Author: First Congregational UCC


Title of First Update – Plain Text

First text area of blog, this is set up in a standard one column format. To insert text from another document, highlight this whole paragraph and paste over top of it. To write the blog directly in WordPress, simply delete this template text and type directly in the text area. To add a new block


Title of Second Update – Single Image

First text area of blog, this is set up in a standard one column format. To insert text from another document, highlight this whole paragraph and paste over top of it. To write the blog directly in WordPress, simply delete this template text and type directly in the text area. To add a new block


New Life in Harm Reduction

Last Sunday, the Harm Reduction Family Love Feast formally re-launched our monthly worship service and community meal for the first time since COVID shut down New York City in March of 2020. In the assembly hall of Judson Memorial Church, we gather to co-create sacred community, celebrate our shared call to be love and build


Title of Third Update – Double Image

First text area of blog, this is set up in a standard one column format. To insert text from another document, highlight this whole paragraph and paste over top of it. To write the blog directly in WordPress, simply delete this template text and type directly in the text area. To add a new block


Title of Fourth Update – Gallery View

by Karen Georgia Thompson | published on Nov 15, 2024 First text area of blog, this is set up in a standard one column format. To insert text from another document, highlight this whole paragraph and paste over top of it. To write the blog directly in WordPress, simply delete this template text and type