Author: First Congregational UCC


Faith Communities Unite in Historic Declaration to Defend Refugees at Critical Crossroads for U.S. Policy

The United Church of Christ, along with four-dozen other faith-based organizations joined with Church World Service (CWS) to sign on to its Ash Wednesday Ecumenical Declaration, a public statement against policies and actions that threaten refugee rights, separate families, and undermine the long-standing tradition of humanitarian support. Endorsed by UCC General Minister and President/CEO, the


5 Rules for Healthy Global Partnerships (and Allies)

Around the same time I was returning from two weeks of Global Ministries visits with partners in Fiji and Hong Kong,  world leaders who were presumably allies were meeting at the White House. The now infamous meeting on Friday between U.S. President Trump, Vice President Vance, and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy spiraled into an embarrassing


Don’t Incinerate – Innovate! – United Church of Christ

Thirty-eight years ago, the United Church of Christ’s Commission for Racial Justice released a report that recognized the racial inequality of waste sites in this country and urged government leaders to address this injustice. As people of faith, we are called to address the moral issues associated with what to do with our waste. It


Thompson’s ‘On My Mind Today’ explores the ‘risk’ of relocating the displaced in an ever-growing inhospitable world

In the latest installment of “On My Mind Today,” the new blog written by UCC General Minister and President/CEO the Rev. Karen Georgia Thompson talks about the plight of relocating families due to political conflict, economical unrest, and climate migration. She shares about her family’s move to the United States from Jamaica when she was