

The UCC’s 2025 Climate Hope Art Contest

Register now! For the third straight year, the UCC is conducting a Climate Hope Art Contest. The theme this year is “Planting Seeds of Hope.” UCC children and youth are invited to draw, paint, or color works of art that bring this theme to life. A fitting scripture to spark the imagination is Matthew 13:31-32


Burning with Love – United Church of Christ

It greeted me every time I stepped into the house that was my home while serving as mission personnel in Dumaguete City, the Philippines. Vibrant red fabric stretched tight over a large frame. An image of a typical bamboo hut stitched into the cloth on the left, beside it the words that have stayed with


Leading with Love in 2025 

This new year brings us a new Congress, new administration, and new political landscape across the globe. For many, these transitions bring feelings of anxiety, uncertainty, and fear. Communities around the country are navigating painful divisions within their families, friends, and churches.   But amidst this great change, we are reminded of the enduring values


Finding Faith in Cancer Alley

Cancer Alley is the nickname given to 80 miles of the Mississippi between Baton Rouge and New Orleans. There are 140 petrochemical plants along the river there. The area is also home to many working class people, a majority of them Black. Two days after the election, I left for Mississippi and Louisiana with a