The United Church of Christ’s 34th General Synod had it all. A new leader and a historic vote. A change from biennial to triennial. And giving witness to some of the most urgent issues — trans dignity, reproductive rights, racial justice, creation care and much more — through resolutions, special speakers, prayer and action. Indianapolis
Last November I had the joy of worshipping with University UCC in Seattle for Ubuntu Sunday. Ubuntu is an African concept of the interconnectedness of community most often translated with the phrase: “I am because We are.” On this Sunday, the invitation to Our Churches Wider Mission (OCWM) was offered by a parent at the
Amid smoke that looked like fog, I traveled to General Synod last week on a Greyhound bus from Cleveland to Indianapolis. As I did so, I pondered with self-conscious awareness the pull of a familiar form of wishful thinking—the hope that catastrophic events such as wildfires and their unfurling blankets of smoke will alarm people
General Synod-goers received an update Monday, July 3 on the progress of the United Churh of Christ’s Racial Equity Task Force — an initiative that was launched after the last Synod. In 2021, Synod approved a resolution that declared that racism was a “public health crisis,” based on the racial disparities that came to light during
There are several new faces on the United Church of Christ Board. The delegates of General Synod 34 elected 12 new at-large members to UCC noard, five new members to the Nominating Committee, as well as a new moderator and assistant moderator. After the elections, the Rev. June Boutwell, chair of the Nominating Committee, expressed
On the General Synod 34 stage Monday, the Rev. Velda Love asked United Church of Christ members to “Join the Movement.” The UCC’s Join the Movement campaign — which Love leads — is an initiative to build and support antiracism work. “Movements are sustained by people of faith, rooted in God’s love for humanity,” she
A resolution calling on advocacy for intersectional and transformational healing in harm reduction was overwhelmingly approved by United Church of Christ delegates to General Synod 34 in Indianapolis on Monday morning, July 3. Originally submitted by the Metropolitan Association of the New York Conference, this resolution calls on UCC congregations to adopt covenants to commit
Thirty-three years ago on July 26, 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law. This historic civil rights law protects the rights of people with disabilities and helps break down barriers to increase inclusion and accessibility. Disability justice is part of the United Church of Christ’s mission to build a just world
United Church of Christ delegates at General Synod 34 approved a resolution Monday morning, July 3, aimed at reducing the reliance on fossil fuels. The resolution, “Urging Planning for and Implementing Electrification,” aims to encourage new energy by electrification as “one of the ways” UCC churches and individuals can “protect all of God’s creation” from
United Church of Christ delegates welcomed special guests at the start of the 34th General Synod, meeting this week in Indianapolis. Guests representing ecumenical partners and international partners from churches on five continents were welcomed with standing ovations from the people in plenary hall. The greetings started with former national and regional leaders of the