

Apply now for 2024 grants supporting UCC congregations

Applications for the United Church of Christ’s 2024 Justice and Local Church Ministries grants, which support the work and mission of local churches, are now open. The deadline for congregations to apply is Sept. 15. “From immediate financial aid to churches in crisis to seed funding for justice advocacy and innovative programs, the opportunities are


Synod offerings collect thousands to support UCC initiatives

Delegates, visitors and other attendees of the 34th General Synod of the United Church of Christ gave more than $4,000 in the final worship offering, which will help build a new opportunity for disabled theologians of color through the Fannie Lou Hamer Scholarship Fund. The idea for the scholarship came from the UCC Disabilities Ministries board, especially board member


Delegates call for study, developing reparations for African Americans

Delegates to the General Synod 34 in Indianapolis approved a resolution July 4 calling on the United Church of Christ to study and develop reparations proposals for African Americans.   The committee that considered the resolution of witness, originally submitted by the Indiana-Kentucky and Central Atlantic Conferences, recommended delegates approve a version that was amended to