

Awareness Is NOT the Primary Goal

What if Jesus’s main goal had been to raise awareness? Imagine Jesus as a non-stop marketing-machine with a single-minded focus on telling people to love their neighbor. In some respects, it’s an alluring idea. If everyone in the world had “love thy neighbor” firmly imprinted and ingrained in their consciousness, wouldn’t the world be a


Watch: Synod 34 video highlights historic moments

The United Church of Christ’s 34th General Synod, held June 30-July 4 in Indianapolis, included historic moments, joyous reunions, communal prayer and faithful witness. Many of these have been captured in a newly released highlights video, showcasing the impact and significance of this year’s gathering. Watch the 17-minute condensed version below. For even more Synod


Apply now for 2024 grants supporting UCC congregations

Applications for the United Church of Christ’s 2024 Justice and Local Church Ministries grants, which support the work and mission of local churches, are now open. The deadline for congregations to apply is Sept. 15. “From immediate financial aid to churches in crisis to seed funding for justice advocacy and innovative programs, the opportunities are