The United Church of Christ and Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) joined several partners in faith in Washington D.C. for the Ecumenical Advocacy Days’ 2024 Spring Summit. Held May 17-19, the theme was “Faith in Action: Advancing Human Rights and Peace for All.” This first in-person gathering since 2019 was smaller than its pre-Covid years,
Get ready to celebrate Pride in Cleveland with the United Church of Christ this coming weekend! Gender & Sexuality Justice Ministries is partnering with the Heartland Conference and Living Water Association to collectively march as the body of Christ in Cleveland’s Pride March, Saturday, June 1. Share a message of love out loud by signing your congregation up to
Applications of generative artificial intelligence technologies have exploded in the past few years since ChatGPT was introduced by OpenAI, Inc. in 2022. ChatGPT and other large language models are routinely used to conduct research, draft documents and communications, and analyze data. Image generators like Midjourney and music generators like Soundful can produce complex music and
For little more than a decade, Menstrual Hygiene Day, May 28, has been amplifying hushed conversations on the economic, social and gender injustices menstruating people worldwide face. (The date was chosen to reflect the average 5-day, once every 28-day menstrual cycle.) This year, United Church of Christ congregations are encouraged to add their voices to
Mental Health Awareness Month is coming to an end, but the work of advocating for mental health, especially among youth and young adults, is ramping up within the United Church of Christ. Beginning in June, the UCC Mental Health Network will begin breaking ground for a new “Youth Mental Health Peer Advocates for the Digital
The landscape of children’s and youth ministry has been quickly changing over the last decade and these changes were accelerated with the pandemic and other social justice issues. As a result, many are wondering how to effectively provide services to and ministry with young people. A new webinar sponsored by the United Church of Christ
During the last weeks of April and early weeks of May, it felt as if our college campuses—most visibly at Columbia University but also elsewhere—were filled with activists, police, and violence. Demonstrations were attended by supporters and disrupted by police in the name of public safety. The New York City mayor warns of a “movement
The United Church of Christ Southern New England Conference has launched a new initiative – Find Hope Now – aimed at promoting a gospel of radical inclusion that lets people know that no matter who they are, or where they are on life’s journey, there is a place of hope that will welcome them. The first stage
Embrace the fullness of God’s love for all — that’s the message from United Church of Christ General Minister and President Rev. Karen Georgia Thompson in a recorded greeting she made to invite all to celebrate Pride in Cleveland with the UCC in June. “We’re so excited to be in partnership with our Heartland Conference and Living Water