

Webinar discusses the ecumenical work that’s helping millions who are displaced by conflict and natural disasters

In 2023, the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) reported that 110 million people were displaced worldwide due to violence, conflict and natural disasters. And those numbers show no sign of slowing down. By the end of 2024, the UNHCR projects more than 130 million people will be displaced globally. “The number of people forcibly displaced


Vote with Love – United Church of Christ

published on May 21, 2024 This year’s Our Faith, Our Vote campaign asks the church to answer the call of 1 John 3:18 to “let us not love with words or speech, but in action and in truth,” by “voting with love.” To make a just world for all, we as disciples must be grounded in the


Celebrate National Children’s Day with OWL, June 9

The second Sunday of June is celebrated as National Children’s Day, dating back to over a century ago, when the idea was imagined by a pastor in Chelsea, Massachusetts. In 1856, the Rev. Charles Leonard of the Universalist Church set up the second Sunday of June as a time for families to bring their children


UCC in the News – United Church of Christ UCC in the News

published on May 28, 2024 California evangelical seminary ponders changes that would make it more welcoming to LGBTQ students,136354 The Good News with Dr. Benjamin Chavis, Jr. Debuts on WYPR and WTMD Ohio church teaching kids about food with garden bucket project Club Offers Options For Transition-Age Youth And Beyond UNCF to Honor Eight at


UCC Releases Menstrual Health Toolkit

Advocacy and Action for Menstrual Health and Justice Work with partners Church World Service Highlights Global Challenges for Women, Girls, and all Menstruators May is National Menstrual Health Awareness Month in the United State, and I am so pleased to be able to address the stigma associated with this natural process that 800,000,000 experience any