

‘Sex Ed for All’ month in May kicks off with webinar

Join the United Church of Christ and SEICUS (Sex Ed for Social Change) for a webinar on Tuesday, May 7 at 7 p.m. EST, entitled “Integrating Sex Education in Faith Communities.” Led by SEICUS board member Rev. Naomi Washington-Leapheart, and featuring Rev. Amy Johnson, UCC minister for sexuality education and justice, and Dr. Melanie Davis


UCC Officers issue statement amid ongoing unrest on college campuses; offer continued solidarity with partners and people in the Middle East

The United Church of Christ continues to walk in solidarity with our partners in the Middle East through prayer, public witness, advocacy, and support for their critical response to the needs in their communities. Israel’s declared war on Gaza has continued for more than 200 days. In this time, over 34,000 people have been killed