

The 59th Anniversary of the Voting Rights Act: Our Time to Recommit 

Before August 6th, 1965, the sacred right to vote was inaccessible to most people of color because of both explicit law and normalized systemic voter intimidation. Discrimination tactics, such as literacy tests and poll taxes, made the voting booth unavailable to entire communities.  Throughout the 1960’s, activists in Birmingham and Selma organized powerful protests and


Central Atlantic Conference spirit-filled revival fills hearts

Nearly 250 members of the churches of the Central Atlantic Conference of the United Church of Christ met on June 1 for a spirit-filled day entitled, “Love4 Revival: A Festival Worship Service for Connection, Community, and Celebration.” It was held at the Peoples Congregational UCC in Washington, D.C. Re-energizing ourselves “We really wanted to re-energize


Jack Veatch, Chaplain at Chapman University

During worship, a chorus of Samoan voices sang The Lord’s Prayer. Their harmonies washed over me, their love for God translated through the beauty of their singing in their native language. I was transposed from Salt Lake City, Utah, where I was on a recruitment trip at the North American Pacific/Asian Disciples Convocation, into an


JPANet August 2024 Newsletter – United Church of Christ June 2024 JPANet Newsletter

published on Aug 1, 2024 Each month we unpack the complex justice issues that we’re working on. This month, Rebekah Choate, Minister for Global Advocacy and Education, reflects on the upcoming anniversary of the nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the failure of the US government to compensate those harmed by nuclear testing, and the critical need to abolish nuclear weapons.  Our Nuclear LegacyThis summer is