Global Ministries issues joint statement on current crisis in Haiti
The United Church of Christ and Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) have issued a joint statement on the current crisis in Haiti as the Global Ministries. Global Ministries is a joint witness in mission between the United Church of Christ and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The letter is endorsed by UCC General Minister
The Holy Spirit in a Cramped Upper Room
I knew it would be a historically significant event for Global Ministries and for our partner in Japan. I had no idea just how powerful a moment it would turn out to be. L-R: Jeffrey Mensendiek (mission co-worker in Japan), Yoshida Kimura (Chair, Kyoto Distric, UCCJ), Shari Prestemon (Co-Executive, Global Ministries), Derek Duncan (Global Relations
A Test of Faith – United Church of Christ A Test of Faith
“The United States confronts a crisis of democracy, and the American church confronts a test of faith.” This is the first sentence of a recent statement signed by UCC General Minister and President, Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia Thompson, along with over 200 national faith leaders from across the ecumenical spectrum. The statement was released at
Youth Invisibility – United Church of Christ
It is a sacred privilege to be in ministry with young people. They listen with perspectives that only the youth can bring, and they ask questions that will rock your world. Just last week in a discussion with middle schoolers, I was asked “What would Christianity look like if Jesus hadn’t died; if he’d been
‘Speak the truth’: Heartland Conference Minister joins Springfield prayer vigil
The Rev. David Long-Higgins was among many faith leaders gathered in Springfield, Ohio, on Sunday for a prayer vigil in response to the recent rise in violent threats and harassment toward members of the Haitian community. Long-Higgins serves as Conference Minister for the Heartland Conference of the United Church of Christ. Leaders from the Open and Affirming
The Church needs your voice: Apply now to serve on the UCC Board
People from across the United Church of Christ are encouraged to offer their unique talents, skills, and perspectives in service with the UCC Board. Applications are open now for UCC Board terms that will begin during the upcoming 2025 General Synod in Kansas City. Applications are also open for individuals to serve in the leadership
UCC offers resources in the battle against book banning
Banned Books Week is underway, Sept. 22 through 28, and the United Church of Christ has resources uplifing the belief that banned books have a special vocation, a particular calling in our faith communities: to help expand and enliven the image of God and empower us to reckon with truths that demand our loving accountability.
The Power of Partnerships – United Church of Christ
250 partners in nearly 90 countries. That’s one way of describing the scale of our work as Global Ministries. But that simple phrase packs far more power and possibility than it might suggest. Opening worship begins at the 100th anniversary of the National Council of Churches in Korea (NCCK). The NCCK is a global partner