
Five years later: How did the Covid-19 pandemic impact ministry?

Five years later: How did the Covid-19 pandemic impact ministry?

On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization officially declared Covid-19 a global pandemic. Within days, offices, schools and churches stopped meeting in-person and began scrambling to adapt to a new way of life — masking, social distancing, and meeting online. The United Church of Christ joined other denominations in embarking on a five-year pandemic


UCC celebrates Womxn’s History Month in March and beyond

Womxn’s History Month is designated in March, and the United Church of Christ is celebrating. The celebration began with a webinar on March 4 entitled, “Womxn Are Here: Inspiring Generations Onward.” This featured intergenerational voices from across the UCC. Stories were shared, bringing hope and calling for justice for all. “We kicked off Womxn’s History


State of the (Dis)Union: Our Constitutional Crisis  

In the 45 days since Inauguration Day, we have witnessed overwhelming changes in our federal politics. Since taking office, President Trump has released dozens of executive orders that step well beyond his legal authority as president. These orders violate the free speech of NGOs, the civil rights of vulnerable communities, longstanding privacy laws, and laws


Taking Care of the Poor: A Lenten Discipline

The Lenten season begins this week with Ash Wednesday. Lent is a 40-day period of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving (giving money or food to the poor) focused on repentance and renewal. This definition with its concept of almsgiving is ancient, with the word feeling obsolete. The definition of almsgiving invites reflection as we ponder the poor