With the Rev. Karen Georgia Thompson beginning her new role as General Minister and President of the United Church of Christ, a vacancy has been left in her previous one. Thompson has been serving as Associate General Minister for Wider Church Ministries and Co-Executive of Global Ministries since 2019. Beginning Aug. 1, she now will
“Multiplicity is a theme in my life.” That’s how the Rev. Karen Georgia Thompson, newly elected General Minister and President of the United Church of Christ, spoke about her spiritual journey and call to ministry. But it also highlights some of her vision for the future of the Church. In the July 27 episode of
The Rev. John Dorhauer received a surprise on his last day in the United Church of Christ Cleveland offices last month — from the national staff. Dorhauer, who has served as UCC General Minister and President for the past eight years, will finish his term at the end of July. He didn’t return to Cleveland
The Rev. Courtney Stange-Tregear, on behalf of the Antoinette Brown Society leadership team, reflects on the phenomenon of women in “precarious leadership positions” and what those dynamics might mean for the United Church of Christ as it prepares to be led by the Rev. Karen Georgia Thompson. While there is much to be celebrated about
“I’m leaving my shame here and taking away healing.” These were the words of a participant in a recent ecumenical and interfaith Our Whole Lives/Sexuality and Our Faith Training. After decades of this holy work at the intersection of faith and sexuality, I have seen this dozens of times. Once people realize they are in
Delegates, visitors and other attendees of the 34th General Synod of the United Church of Christ gave more than $4,000 in the final worship offering, which will help build a new opportunity for disabled theologians of color through the Fannie Lou Hamer Scholarship Fund. The idea for the scholarship came from the UCC Disabilities Ministries board, especially board member
In a near-unanimous vote the evening of July 3, the General Synod of the United Church of Christ declared that “the globally widening digital divide and lack of digital inclusion” is a “justice issue,” and called on all settings of the denomination to press for “increased affordability, accessibility, training and support.” Starting in 1973, four
Delegates to the General Synod 34 in Indianapolis approved a resolution July 4 calling on the United Church of Christ to study and develop reparations proposals for African Americans. The committee that considered the resolution of witness, originally submitted by the Indiana-Kentucky and Central Atlantic Conferences, recommended delegates approve a version that was amended to
Colorful quilted panels lined a large wall of the auditorium that hosted the 34th General Synod worship and plenary sessions. They offered a visual memorial to many who lost their lives to AIDS. The AIDS Memorial Quilt, part of the National AIDS Memorial, was introduced to the assembly during a Speak Out session by the
The United Church of Christ’s 34th General Synod had it all. A new leader and a historic vote. A change from biennial to triennial. And giving witness to some of the most urgent issues — trans dignity, reproductive rights, racial justice, creation care and much more — through resolutions, special speakers, prayer and action. Indianapolis