Author: First Congregational UCC


Peace is Possible – United Church of Christ Peace is Possible

Nearly 40 years ago, the United Church of Christ passed a pronouncement at our Fifteenth General Synod in 1985 declaring ourselves a ‘just peace church’. Threaded through the pronouncement’s language were three bold words: “Peace is possible.” That was a fairly audacious statement considering what was happening in 1985. Famine in Ethiopia had taken nearly


A pulpit exchange on PAAM Sunday strengthens the ties that bind conference pastors

For travel writer and television host, Rick Steves, visiting new places is just as much a spiritual practice as fasting or contemplative prayer. That’s because stepping away from the familiar pokes holes in preconceived notions of “the other,” revealing holy commonalities amid differences. Sometimes the most life-changing trip, though, can be made without a passport,


‘Sex Ed for All’ month in May kicks off with webinar

Join the United Church of Christ and SEICUS (Sex Ed for Social Change) for a webinar on Tuesday, May 7 at 7 p.m. EST, entitled “Integrating Sex Education in Faith Communities.” Led by SEICUS board member Rev. Naomi Washington-Leapheart, and featuring Rev. Amy Johnson, UCC minister for sexuality education and justice, and Dr. Melanie Davis