Author: First Congregational UCC


Bold, prophetic, legal: UCC leaders offer advice for churches navigating the election

As the election approaches, many United Church of Christ congregations have been asking where, exactly, churches should draw the lines around political engagement. The webinar, “Be Prophetic, Not Partisan: Navigating Election DO’s and Don’ts for Churches,” which took place last week, has answers to some of the most frequently asked questions. Is political conversation during


Demystifying the Stigma of Mental Illness

Like many others, I come from a family system that placed taboos on speaking publicly about one’s personal life. My siblings and I were conditioned at an early age not to discuss “personal things” outside of the home, especially something that might embarrass an elder. Our family mottos were “keep your mouth shut” and “don’t


A Prophetic Call for Justice and Peace in Palestine

The executive leaders of the United Church of Christ have issued the following statement addressing the violence in Israel and Palestine and calling for actions toward a just and lasting peace. “They have treated the wound of my people carelessly, saying, ‘Peace, peace,’ when there is no peace.” (Jeremiah 6:14) Throughout the history of humankind,


UCC desk calendars available to order now

Prepare for your day, month and year with the United Church of Christ desk calendar — available for pre-order now at the UCC Resources website. They will be shipped out in August. “We’re excited to continue to provide this vital and most popular resource for churches, pastors, conferences and the wider church,” said Charles Jefferson,


Staying Grounded in Tumultuous Times

For years I have referred to myself as a peace-loving hippie-type pacifist who believes that violence is never the answer to humanity’s problems. In case I need to be clear, it was never the best choice to begin with and is often the catalyst for causing the problem that is being responded to. Violence not