“To rest in a capitalist world takes practice and meticulous care.” “Rest is my foundation to build, invent, restore, and imagine the world I want to see” – The Nap Ministry’s Rest Deck: 50 Practices to Resist Grind Culture, by Tricia Hersey Will you read this blog post in one sitting? Will you be able to? For
Randy Cunningham, author of The Pilgrim Press title Where We Live: Environmental Activists’ Fight to Save Their Communities, was recently interviewed for the WGRN 91.9 FM radio show “Grassroot Ohio.” The interview originally aired on Aug. 2. It has since been archived on the show’s various social media channels. You can find the interview HERE. Cunningham
13,000. That’s how many Palestinian children have been killed in Israel’s ongoing military campaign against Hamas, as estimated by UNICEF this spring. 1,195,070. That’s how many deaths in the United States have been attributed to COVID-19 since the start of the pandemic, according to the CDC as of mid-July. 1 in 5. That’s how many
How can congregations build an ecology of community safety that is rooted in care, investing in each other, believing in each other, and trusting each other and the rhythms and cycles around/within us? What community safety practices can be engaged in now that also help build the world congregations long for? These questions and more
It’s a digital world, and for United Church of Christ congregations struggling with a web presence, there is help. The UCC Everywhere (UCCE) program is open to assist more churches with creating a user-friendly online presence. Now using an updated and more user-friendly platform, UCCE is making it easier than ever to reach potential and
During each Sunday service at Bluegrass United Church of Christ in Lexington, Kentucky, a chair in the sanctuary sits draped with purple fabric and a candle. The space, which references the color for International Overdose Awareness Day, was created for those who can no longer attend because they have passed of an overdose. It’s one
Before August 6th, 1965, the sacred right to vote was inaccessible to most people of color because of both explicit law and normalized systemic voter intimidation. Discrimination tactics, such as literacy tests and poll taxes, made the voting booth unavailable to entire communities. Throughout the 1960’s, activists in Birmingham and Selma organized powerful protests and
If you were to ask the Rev. Dr. Gregory James Edwards what’s behind the steady rate of church closures across denominations, chances are he wouldn’t cite statistical findings. Rather, the founder and senior pastor of Resurrected Life Community Church in Allentown, Pa., would move beyond the numerical woes of dwindling members and church bank accounts
Nearly 250 members of the churches of the Central Atlantic Conference of the United Church of Christ met on June 1 for a spirit-filled day entitled, “Love4 Revival: A Festival Worship Service for Connection, Community, and Celebration.” It was held at the Peoples Congregational UCC in Washington, D.C. Re-energizing ourselves “We really wanted to re-energize