After five years in the making, a draft of the Manual on Local Church (MLC) — along with all of the resources that go along with it — is now available. The 32nd General Synod resolved that a working group, representative of the whole denomination, would be convened to produce a Manual on Local Church for
An updated resource is available to begin the lifelong process of education around identity, relationships, safety, and health. Our Whole Lives: Sexuality Education for Grades K-1, UCC Edition is newly available from United Church of Christ Resources. Its language, activities, and resources – designed for children ages five through seven – have been updated in
The lifeline crisis phone number 988 for suicide prevention is being highlighted this coming Sunday, Sept. 8 (9/8/2024) in faith communities across the U.S., including the United Church of Christ. 988 Day is a national initiative dedicated to raising awareness about the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline and emphasizing the importance of mental health and
Dear Soren and Emerson, I am writing you this letter in 2024, but presumably you are reading it many years later, if for no other reason than neither of you can read right now since you’re 3 and 5 years old, respectively. I asked you to open this letter when you found yourselves angry or
Applications are now open for the Associate General Minister of Love of Church and the Associate General Minister of Love of Neighbor. A search committee has been formed for each position, and they are beginning the process of discernment to identify the people called to these roles, in accordance with the UCC Bylaws. Both positions
Prejudice and hostility have been directed against many minority groups and those perceived as “other” throughout US history. During difficult times, politicians often stoke social division for political advantage. People of Asian heritage have been frequent targets of scapegoating, like with the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 or the internment of Japanese during World War
published on Sep 5, 2024 Project 2025 is a compilation of policy proposals and presidential transition project launched by the Heritage Foundation. The document outlines an extreme set of policies that, if implemented, would threaten basic freedoms, punish the most vulnerable, and dismantle not only the structure of our federal government but attack deeply held
published on Sep 5, 2024 Each month we unpack the complex justice issues that we’re working on. This month, the National Staff of the United Church of Christ reflects on the Project 2025. This Project includes a policy guide for the next presidential administration and a playbook of actions to be taken within the first
As the United Church of Christ, we pride ourselves in providing an extravagant welcome for all because we believe all people, regardless of background or immigration status, are made in the image of God. Many UCC congregations have become Immigrant Welcoming or Sanctuary Congregations over the last several years, volunteering to accompany undocumented people or