Author: First Congregational UCC


“Join the Movement” – Fill the JAR – Episode 002

Episode Summary: On this episode of Fill the JAR, we talk with Dr. Sharon Fennema, the Join the Movement Curator & Storyteller at the United Church of Christ. Dr. Fennema is a facilitator, ritualist, activist, teacher, and scholar whose work lives at the intersections of critical race, postcolonial and gender theories and embodied spiritual practices


World Communion Sunday: A Global Recentering

For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and we were all made to drink of one Spirit. Indeed,


Intergenerational Relationships—Our Secret Superpower – United Church of Christ Intergenerational Relationships—Our Secret Superpower

Earlier in the year, I had a call with Liam McMahon, the Civic Engagement Director for a highly effective advocacy organization in Minnesota called ISAIAH. As McMahon explained his approach to voter turnout efforts, he made the observation that one of the greatest assets that each of us has is our relationships with others. A


UCC News shares a refreshed look for readers

News and the way it’s disseminated is always changing. As of this week, there are some changes to the United Church of Christ News webpage and News Digest. The refreshed look for readers debuts as the National Ministries’ Marketing and Communications staff continues the long tradition of bringing the latest information to UCC members in,


A Disaster Survivor’s Lessons Learned

The devastation wrought by Hurricane Helene across multiple states is gut-wrenching.The images we’ve seen of communities completely overwhelmed by water, structures obliterated, and people overcome by shock and grief are horrendous. Upwards of 130 lives have been lost to the storm and those who survived are now subject to futures unlike anything they ever imagined. 


Joint Statement on Lebanon from Global Ministries

The United Church of Christ and Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) have issued a joint statement on the current crisis in Lebanon as the Global Ministries. Global Ministries is a joint witness in mission between the United Church of Christ and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The letter is endorsed by UCC General Minister and President,