A just world for all includes an equal voice in the ballot box. Perhaps you remember the problem of gerrymandering from your high school civics class. Gerrymandering happens when one political party draws electoral maps that seek to dilute the voting power of another political party. And because political power and racism have always been
Julia Gaughan, chair of the UCCB, is an authorized minister serving Peace United Church of Christ in Alma, Kansas, and a member-in-discernment with Plymouth Congregational UCC in Lawrence, Kansas. Greetings, siblings and friends in Christ, The United Church of Christ Board of Directors (UCCB) gathered for its Fall meeting over October 18-19, 2024, in Cleveland, Ohio. On Thursday evening,
This Reformation Sunday, leaders from the United Church of Christ will participate in a global celebration from the Cayman Islands. All are invited to join the Oct. 27 special worship of the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC), which will be livestreamed from Grand Cayman at 4 p.m. EST. The UCC delegation to the event,
UCC News presents a video news story on the impact blessing the animals is having on United Church of Christ congregations. Click on above image. On a warm October evening, members of First Congregational Church of Manchester, Vermont, got to work setting up chairs on the front lawn of their quintessential New England building as
On Election Day, Nov. 5, join the Rev. Karen Georgia A. Thompson together with United Church of Christ leaders from across the nation for a nonpartisan Election Day Prayer Vigil and Convening. The event will be held from 4-6 p.m. ET via Zoom. The vigil — part of the UCC’s Our Faith, Our Vote campaign
Marching through the streets of New York City the day Roe V. Wade overturned became my birthplace in a deeper commitment toward reproductive justice. In the sea of 60,000 who marched, my most poignant memory is of the youth expressing their anger at religion. Seeing a clergy colleague and myself, they would share their stories
Our faith calls us often to what can seem like impossible feats of action. When we call ourselves home to the Genesis of our faith, these actions aren’t so much impossible as they are critical to flourish as people of God. Women have been leading the charge of faithful action for decades. And women in
In Marietta, Ohio, a city steeped in history, The Glenwood Community is setting a new precedent for the future of senior living with a groundbreaking Entrepreneur in Residence program. This innovative initiative brings entrepreneurs and cutting-edge technology directly to the heart of the community, providing both innovators and residents with a unique opportunity to collaborate,
With the election approaching in a few short weeks, the United Church of Christ has resources full of ideas and guidance for staying engaged and spreading love in the days up to and beyond November 5th. “There is no better time to learn about critical election issues and join the movement towards justice,” said Rev.