On the day after the presidential election, Nov. 6, the Climate Action Assembly met to assess the implications of the election results and begin to plan ahead. The Rev. Brooks Berndt, UCC minister for Environmental Justice, acknowledged it was a “heavy moment” for those gathered. The Rev. Brooks Berndt leads the Climate Action Assembly. “Many
As the beginning of Advent approaches on Dec. 1, the United Church of Christ has resources for faith communities and individuals filled with song, deep sea animals, and words of challenge and hope. Below, find resources for worship from Sermon Seeds and Worship Ways, Nurture the Soul, and the Pension Boards’ Christmas Fund; devotional offerings
published on Nov 7, 2024 Beloved, the results of the US election are a devastating departure from the just world we are called to build. We face immense challenges ahead and in historic moments such as this, it may feel like everything has changed overnight. If the results of the election cause you to grieve,
published on Nov 7, 2024 Each month we unpack the complex justice issues that we’re working on. This month, the Washington D.C. Office reflects on the election results, finding space for grief, and our unchanging mission to work towards a just world for all. “But while our political landscape has undoubtably shifted, our mission and work remain unchanged. No matter who
The deadline for this column was one day before the November 5 election. By the time you read this, we might know the election results. Or we might not. That kind of anxious uncertainty has plagued me these last few months as our nation careened toward election day. I could feel it taking up residence
God who holds the whole world in your loving hands, hold on to us today. Hold strong all those waiting to vote, the poll workers, and election officials,Hold in the light all candidates seeking office, at local, state, and national levels, Hold tenderly our friendships and families as politics threatens to pull us apart, Hold all our anxieties.
The calendar said Halloween, but on October 31, the United Church of Christ wanted to help keep the “scaries” away when it comes to Election Day jitters — and offered a Nurture the Soul webinar called “Don’t Be Scared, Be Prepared! What to Expect in the 2024 Election.” Now that November 5 is here, many
For those wearied by the political rhetoric licking at the nation with its flames of hate and discord, Nov. 6 can’t come soon enough. But for the Rev. Leanne Walt, lead pastor of United Church of Christ of Norwell, Massachusetts, the work of reclaiming the message of Christ’s love ramps up after the votes are