On the General Synod 34 stage Monday, the Rev. Velda Love asked United Church of Christ members to “Join the Movement.” The UCC’s Join the Movement campaign — which Love leads — is an initiative to build and support antiracism work. “Movements are sustained by people of faith, rooted in God’s love for humanity,” she
A resolution calling on advocacy for intersectional and transformational healing in harm reduction was overwhelmingly approved by United Church of Christ delegates to General Synod 34 in Indianapolis on Monday morning, July 3. Originally submitted by the Metropolitan Association of the New York Conference, this resolution calls on UCC congregations to adopt covenants to commit
Every Sunday, hundreds of UCC pastors, ministers, liturgists, and lay people proclaim that, ‘no matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here!’ And they say it from an altar that they probably walked… The post The ADA and The Church….It’s Complicated! appeared first on United Church of Christ.
I confess that throughout my life as an evolving queer organizer, I haven’t always been deeply aware of the intersectional components of systemic oppression. It’s easier to walk behind the footprint of another than to make new ones. Perhaps, that is why taking our shoes off in holy spaces means so much more—the footprint can
Not that many years ago both churches and social movements dived into figuring out how to make use of social media and digital technologies to extend their reach and grow their numbers. Everyone wanted to go viral and experience the apparent promise and magic of instant “success.” With time, has come reflection. With social movements,
At Friedens UCC in Indianapolis, we thank God for the opportunity to serve with Sierra Nuckols, our Climate Justice Fellow, last fall. We are grateful to the National Setting of the United Church of Christ for providing the grant to make this possible for our congregation. Hosting a fellow gave our congregation an opportunity to
To the Family and Friends of the United Church of Christ, I write to apologize for the ways in which the most recent edition of the UCC desk calendar failed to live up to our commitments to be an antiracist body. It has been brought to my attention that a slight rotation of the cover
Listen to the podcast Read the transcript I brought home a keychain. There is nothing noteworthy, unusual, or special about the keychain as for as keychains go. It is a bauble you pick up at a souvenir stand for a couple bucks that dangles in your pocket or from the steering column of your car
There are times where my soul starts churning. A discomfort, a tumultuous sensation that rises from my gut desiring to be released as a cry of righteous indignation. It happens in moments when I am confronted with profound injustice, this need to speak truth and say, “enough is enough!” But it also happens when I