Category: UCC


No-BODY is free until every-BODY is free

Our faith calls us often to what can seem like impossible feats of action. When we call ourselves home to the Genesis of our faith, these actions aren’t so much impossible as they are critical to flourish as people of God.   Women have been leading the charge of faithful action for decades. And women in


Voting for a just world: UCC election resource roundup

With the election approaching in a few short weeks, the United Church of Christ has resources full of ideas and guidance for staying engaged and spreading love in the days up to and beyond November 5th.  “There is no better time to learn about critical election issues and join the movement towards justice,” said Rev.


UCC expands appeal for relief efforts following Hurricane Milton

The United Church of Christ has extended the scope of its appeal for Hurricanes 2024 Relief Efforts to include support for those impacted by Hurricane Milton.   Coming less than two weeks after Hurricane Helene devastated the region, Hurricane Milton moved across Florida carrying flooding, strong winds, and tornados that caused significant destruction in its


No Sacrifice Zones – United Church of Christ No Sacrifice Zones

A sacrifice zone is a geographic area that has been permanently impaired by state-sanctioned environmental devastation and/or organized abandonment. Sacrifice zones exist across Mother Earth already. Some examples include mountaintop removal and open pit mines—open wounds that won’t heal—industrial farming poisoning the water in her veins and all life that depends on water, exploitative mining killing


Making This Election Accessible to All 

Voting rights are disability rights. Every issue is a disability issue. The disability community is diverse and part of every community in the US. Too often disability is excluded from conversations about the economy, climate change, housing, education, jobs, and healthcare.   One quarter of Americans live with disabilities and there are an estimated 40 million eligible


World Communion Sunday: A Global Recentering

For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and we were all made to drink of one Spirit. Indeed,


Intergenerational Relationships—Our Secret Superpower – United Church of Christ Intergenerational Relationships—Our Secret Superpower

Earlier in the year, I had a call with Liam McMahon, the Civic Engagement Director for a highly effective advocacy organization in Minnesota called ISAIAH. As McMahon explained his approach to voter turnout efforts, he made the observation that one of the greatest assets that each of us has is our relationships with others. A