Category: UCC


Title of Third Update – Double Image

First text area of blog, this is set up in a standard one column format. To insert text from another document, highlight this whole paragraph and paste over top of it. To write the blog directly in WordPress, simply delete this template text and type directly in the text area. To add a new block


Thank You from Our Faith, Our Vote 

It’s been one week since election day and people across the nation are experiencing a myriad of different emotions. Many are looking toward the next few years with a sense of resolve and hope for change. As we each consider the future political landscape, it is critical to take time to nurture our souls. Be


JPANet November 2024 Newsletter – United Church of Christ June 2024 JPANet Newsletter

published on Nov 7, 2024 Each month we unpack the complex justice issues that we’re working on. This month, the Washington D.C. Office reflects on the election results, finding space for grief, and our unchanging mission to work towards a just world for all. “But while our political landscape has undoubtably shifted, our mission and work remain unchanged. No matter who


Holding Space for Hope and Fear

As ministers and justice advocates, I think we can forget about our own bodies – especially – in tense moments such as making our way to a presidential election. In tense moments, I often need reminding that to be loving in just action, I must first be human. I’ve witnessed clergy and community members share


Camp Fowler first to be designated as UCC Creation Justice camp

Being in nature brings many people closer to God, and the United Church of Christ Outdoor Ministries offers outdoor experiences that can complement people’s weekly worship in buildings of churches. Thousands of guests of all ages and backgrounds visit these camps and deepen their faith through encounters with God in creation — from the shores