In recent years, there has been an unprecedented number of attempts to ban books, and local churches have an opportunity to bring these stories to the forefront. The United Church of Christ’s Join the Movement toward Racial Justice and Love is Louder campaign are offering an invitation for churches to collect and bless books that
United Church of Christ members, clergy and staff recently took part in multiple days of action, calling for a ceasefire and demilitarization in Israel and Gaza. In Washington, D.C., local UCC members participated in the March on Washington for Gaza, where thousands gathered Jan. 13 at Freedom Plaza to hear from speakers and then march
The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world came into being through him, yet the world did not know him. He came to what was his own, and his own people did not accept him.But to all who received him, who believed in his
The United Church of Christ Council for Health and Human Service Ministries (CHHSM) recently released resources for Health and Human Service Sunday, which takes place Jan. 28, the Fourth Sunday after Epiphany. The resources provide a means for UCC churches, CHHSM members and friends to bring the message of serving leadership and support for health
It was 34 years ago when Sharon Jefferson — a member of East View United Church of Christ in Shaker Heights, Ohio, since childhood — learned that a friend’s church sponsored a pancake breakfast to celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Brandon Campbell Jr. was the youth announcer at the MLK Day essay contest celebration.
In this commentary, the Rev. Jim Antal — a longtime United Church of Christ environmental justice advocate and former Conference Minister — urges and offers advice for pastors to preach about the climate crisis, democracy and civic engagement as the United States prepares for the 2024 election season. When it comes to addressing the crisis
In the shadow of the U.S. Capitol Building on Jan. 5, staff from the United Church of Christ’s Washington, D.C., Office joined with interfaith partners for a “Faith in Democracy” prayer vigil. The UCC co-sponsored the event, which was hosted by the Franciscan Action Network and joined by a long list of interfaith partners. A
When it comes to baking, I will confess to having a complicated relationship with yeast. It never works as fast as I would like for it to work, and sometimes I wonder if it is doing its job even with the necessary allotted time. It is of some solace that yeast also had a complicated
The United Church of Christ Council for Climate Justice will host a virtual Climate Action Commissioning Service on Wednesday, Jan. 3 at 1 p.m. ET. The service will celebrate prophetic witness and ministries across the UCC in the cause for climate justice. Nellis Kennedy-Howard, a teaching pastor in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and
Following sabbatical and a period of discernment, the Rev. Traci Blackmon has resigned from her position as the United Church of Christ’s Associate General Minister for Justice and Local Church Ministries (JLCM), effective Dec. 14. Blackmon had been on sabbatical through the fall prior to her resignation. General Minister and President the Rev. Karen Georgia Thompson will make