Recently, I started counting the number of days since Martin Luther King Day. The King holiday was signed into law in 1983 and was celebrated for the first time in 1986. Next year will mark the 40th celebration. Forty years is a long time and we are still working to achieve the dream Rev. Dr.
A Creation Justice webinar entitled “Elon Musk, Oligarchy, and Climate Justice” was hosted by the Rev. Brooks Berndt, minister for Environmental Justice at the United Church of Christ, and the Rev. Michael Malcom, executive director of the Alabama Interfaith Power and Light on Feb. 12. The conversation addressed the many implications of the richest man
As planning for General Synod is well underway, the General Synod staff are seeking self-nominations for people to serve as committee chairs. This invitation is specifically for delegates at General Synod 35 in Kansas City, which takes place July 11-15. Each committee chair helps to lead and guide a committee through its resolution work at
The Central Atlantic Conference of the United Church of Christ is among more than two dozen religious groups suing the Department of Homeland Security in response to a policy change that offers greater leeway for immigration enforcement in “sensitive locations,” including houses of worship. The plaintiffs in the lawsuit, who include a broad range of
“Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.” – The Gospel According to Mark, 10:15 (NRSVUE) Twenty years ago, I received a letter from a six-year-old in Abilene, Texas. I will forever cherish it, faded as it is now. But first, where’s Abilene?!
When the Rev. Seth Wispelwey began his podcast “Fill the Jar” last year, he said he wanted to show people that they were not alone. The minister for Economic Justice with the United Church of Christ, said of the podcast, “It’s not an information dump of inside language of economics, but something I hope will
February 9th: Racial Justice Sunday: Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community? The United Church of Christ recognizes the second Sunday in February as Racial Justice Sunday. Racial Justice Ministries and the Join the Movement team invite you to prepare for the commemoration and celebrate everyone who made a way for racial justice policies and
In a world embroiled in conflict, it is hard to know where to focus one’s time, energy, and advocacy. Each of us is called to do our part, but where to start? Amidst an overwhelming news cycle, no one person can be an expert on all the issues. For this reason, we turn to
The One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) offering is underway, with United Church of Christ congregations seeking to shine their light in the world by making gifts to help those in need both locally and abroad. The suggested date for this offering is March 30. Gifts can also be made throughout the year. Online donations
The keynote speaker for this summer’s General Synod 35 is a faith-based activist and author with a long history of working to build public attention for issues of faith and justice. The Rev. Jennifer Butler is perhaps best known for her role in founding and leading the organization Faith in Public Life – a