Category: UCC


Making civility a national movement at this moment in time

The Democratic National Convention is underway in Chicago, Illinois, and the Rev. Anthony Williams is hoping to get the attention of Vice President Kamala Harris and other party members by asking them to declare civilian violence as a national healthcare crisis. Williams lives in Chicago and has the support of DNC Delegate La Shawn Ford


In A Beginning … A Just Creator

In [a] beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters. Then God said “Let there be light”; and there was light. And God saw the light was good…


A Just Economy & Rest as Resistance 

“To rest in a capitalist world takes practice and meticulous care.” “Rest is my foundation to build, invent, restore, and imagine the world I want to see”  – The Nap Ministry’s Rest Deck: 50 Practices to Resist Grind Culture, by Tricia Hersey  Will you read this blog post in one sitting? Will you be able to?   For


Witnesses to Love – United Church of Christ Witnesses to Love

13,000. That’s how many Palestinian children have been killed in Israel’s ongoing military campaign against Hamas, as estimated by UNICEF this spring.   1,195,070. That’s how many deaths in the United States have been attributed to COVID-19 since the start of the pandemic, according to the CDC as of mid-July.  1 in 5. That’s how many


The 59th Anniversary of the Voting Rights Act: Our Time to Recommit 

Before August 6th, 1965, the sacred right to vote was inaccessible to most people of color because of both explicit law and normalized systemic voter intimidation. Discrimination tactics, such as literacy tests and poll taxes, made the voting booth unavailable to entire communities.  Throughout the 1960’s, activists in Birmingham and Selma organized powerful protests and